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SIYC Welcomes Transient Boaters

Solomon’s Island Yacht Club (SIYC) seeks to retain the title of “Being the Friendliest Yacht Club on the Bay”, we love visitors from other yacht clubs and organizations with whom we have reciprocal agreements.

Transient Request

Authorized visitors can submit your dockage request electronically by filling out the form located here2025 SIYC Transient Form  and emailing it to  Please note, if you use a Smartphone or iPad, you have to first download the fillable form and then go to that file and complete the form.  

You can also call the SIYC Fleet Captain for information at: 410 734 2430
We have good marina location information available hereMarina Schematics

To verify your eligibility and for things to consider in your trip planning, please read over the following sections:

Transient Eligibility

The Solomons Island Yacht Club will accommodate members of any yacht club registered with the Yachting Club of America.  We also welcome members of America's Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA) and Marine Trawlers Owners Association (MOTA).    We
also have separate reciprocity agreements with yacht clubs listed below. 

1) Wicomico Yacht Club for $1.00 per foot plus electric.
2) Indian Creek Yacht Club for $1.85 per foot plus electric and the second night free.
3) Chesapeake Yacht Club for $1.00 per foot plus electric.

Proof of yacht club, AGLCA and MOTA membership is required and usage is subject to SIYC’s club rules.

All guests are directly responsible for charges incurred. We do not allow charges to be billed to your home club.  We take cash, check or credit cards for dockage fees and for food and drink available in the clubhouse.

With adequate notice, the Solomons Island Yacht Club will accommodate groups from visiting clubs as may be appropriate to a cruising rendezvous, race destination, or similar activity. Please view our Event Calendar located here Calendar for events and lounge dining dates and times.
Excerpts from SIYC Pier Rules & Regulations (Revised February 2025)

1 Transients must be affiliated with a Yacht Club which accepts transient visits from SIYC boats or has been extended Club privileges by the Commodore or Board, such as members of America's Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA) and Marine Trawlers Owners Association (MOTA). Available slips or pier space may be obtained at a rate of $2.00 per foot per day, to include water, plus a charge of $8 per day for a single per 30-amp electrical connection or $15 per day for dual 30-amp or for a single 50-amp connection. The Pier Chairman is authorized to give a discount of 10 to 40% for extended stay transients (one week to 28 days respectively). Refunds are not granted for unused days. Stays of greater than 28 days are not allowed. Please contact the Pier Chairman or Fleet Captain for details and pricing.  Each transient captain is required to fill out a "Transient Log and Payment Record", available in the Captain's Lounge. Each transient Captain is entitled to two (2) drinks at no additional charge. U.S. Government vessels will be accommodated at no charge when space is available.

2 Transients affiliated with a Yacht Club or those that have been extended Club privileges by the Commodore or Board may tie their boats at the SIYC pier for a short time (not to exceed four hours) only if adequate personnel remain on the premises in case their boat must be moved.

3 Dockside connections (electrical pigtails and water hoses) and adequate mooring lines will be provided by users.  Lines, power cords and water hoses will not extend across the pier or finger piers.  Electrical lines must be of proper marine standard and correct polarity.  Dockside storage boxes are not allowed.  If a power cord is left at the slip when the boat will be gone for any period of time, it must be disconnected from the electrical outlet.

4 Water for cooling boat air conditioners will not be drawn from the pier water spigots.

5 Open fires for cooking are not permitted on the pier or aboard boats secured to the pier. There is a Weber Gas Grill provided outside the bathhouse for grilling.  

6 All transients must have minimum liability insurance coverage of at least $300k. Transients will be asked to certify on the “Transient Log and Payment Record” form that they have the required insurance and should be prepared to provide proof on request.

7 QUIET HOURS will be observed nightly from 2200 (10:00 PM) to 0800 (08:00 AM).
Excerpts from SIYC Club Rules (Revised February 2025)

1 DRESS: Members and their guests are required to wear shoes and shirts in the clubhouse.

2 PETS: No pets are allowed in the Clubhouse or in bathhouse facilities.

a) No alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted to be brought onto Club premises, including the patio and lawn. This restriction applies to all Club functions.
b) Any beverages consumed on Club property, alcoholic or nonalcoholic must be purchased at or through the Club bar.
c) Individuals from transient vessels renting pier slips, including those of other yacht clubs, are not allowed to provide their own beverages when picnicking on Club premises.
d) Wine corkage as authorized by the Board of Governors. 
e) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the parking lot area.
4 SMOKING: There will be no smoking in the Clubhouse or bathhouse or where prohibited by law. Smoking is permitted on the patio area under the waterside deck when open.
5 RULES OF CONDUCT: Our members, guests, and staff are to be treated with courtesy and respect in the Clubhouse, on Club property, and at all Club events. Remember the Golden Rule and treat others as you would wish to be treated at all times



Solomons Island Yacht Club, 14604 Solomons Island Road, PO Box 206, Solomons, Maryland 20688, Phone: 410-326-3718, Email: